Happy birthday to the ceo of the supreme comedy jolayemi ajayi


Jolayemi ajayi is the succesful owner and ceo of the supreme comedy.Jolayemi Ajayi was born 8 may today i the BIRTHDAY of jolayemi ajayi


With all wishes and honour the supreme vibes happens to which Jolayemi ajayi happy birthday 

Jolayemi is comedian and acts very funny skit Jolayemi ajayi recieved 500,000 as gift from broda shaggi today as a BIRTHDAY gift Jolayemi ajayi established the supreme comedy on june 15 2020 Jolayemi has struggled is way to act o skit and make it which he did Jolayemi ajayi is  known to have 3 siblings Jolayemi is known to be very courageous,brave,funny,smart person

Jolayemi Ajayi is +1  today .

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Rotimi ajayi said…
Happy birthday bro